Internationalization with TinaCMS

Managing multilingual content is essential for global reach. TinaCMS provides versatile options to facilitate this. This guide focuses on two main strategies:

  • Directory-Based Localization
  • Field-Based Localization

Directory-Based Localization

With directory-based localization, your content should be structured in a directory-based manner, where the locale (e.g., en, fr) lives underneath the collection root (e.g., blog, docs). For example:

├── /blog/
│ ├── /en/
│ │ └──
│ └── /fr/
│ └──
└── /docs/
├── /en/
│ └──
└── /fr/
Steps to Implement Directory-Based Localization

In your config.ts, you likely will have one collection that contains all your locales

export const config = {
collections: [
label: 'Blog',
name: 'blog',
path: 'content/blog',
// ...other settings
Routing and File Structure:

Whether you're using Next.js, or another framework, your routing logic should be updated to pick the correct locale based on either the URL or user setting.

// Example: Fetching the page list in NextJS
const getStaticPaths = async({ locales }) {
// ...

Using the locale, you can filter for document(s) based on the path

// /pages/post/[filename].tsx
// `locale` is provided alongside `params`
const getStaticProps = async({ params, locale }) {
const tinaProps = await client.BlogPostQuery({
// compose `relativePath` where `locale` is a sub-folder to the `post`
relativePath: `${locale}/${params.filename}.mdx`,
return {
props: {
For more info on setting up the routing for NextJS-specific implementations, see our guide
Content Management

With this setup, editors will browse locales for each collection via the document list.

Localized List

If a user wants to create a new localized version of an existing document, they can click "duplicate document" from the document list, and prepend the desired locale in the new document's filename.

Field-Based Localization

In this approach, each localized field contains nested values for multiple languages. For example, a single Markdown file might look like this:

"title": {
"en": "Hello",
"fr": "Bonjour"
Steps to Implement Field-Based Localization

You will need to modify your TinaCMS schema to include localized fields.

export const pageSchema = {
label: 'Page',
name: 'page',
fields: [
label: 'Title',
name: 'title',
type: 'object',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'en',
label: 'English',
type: 'string',
name: 'fr',
label: 'French',
// ...other fields
Note: If you are using markdown/mdx content, and want to use the markdown body for your content, you might prefer using the directory-based approach to localization.
Display Localized Content:

In your site's components, you can then choose the correct localized field to display based on the current locale.

const PageComponent = ({ data, locale }) => {
const title = data.title[locale]
// ...display content
Content Management:

TinaCMS will display all localized fields as children of the root-level field.

Localized Fields

Last Edited: November 6, 2024