The GitHub Git Provider handles saving and deleting content to a GitHub hosted Git repository. It is configured as a parameter to the createDatabase function.

Looking for the code? Check out the GitHub repository.

Adding the GitHub Git Provider

import { GitHubProvider } from 'tinacms-gitprovider-github'
// database.{ts,js}
export default isLocal ? createLocalDatabase() ? createDatabase({
gitProvider: new GitHubProvider({
branch: process.env.GITHUB_BRANCH,
owner: process.env.GITHUB_OWNER,
repo: process.env.GITHUB_REPO,
// ...

GitHub Git Provider Options

Required Parameters

branchThe branch to save content to.
ownerThe owner of the repo.
repoThe repo to save content to.
tokenA Github Personal Access Token.

Optional Parameters

commitMessageThe commit message to use when saving content. Defaults to Edited with TinaCMS.
rootPathThis path will be prefixed to all paths. Usually only used in monorepos. Optional.
octokitOptionsOptions passed to the Octokit constructor
Last Edited: January 1, 1970